Organisation & policy

Stichting Leeuw was founded on 26 October 2011.
Board members:
Chairman: P.H. Kruijff
Secretary: R.J. Zagt
Treasurer: Y.P.M. van der Meer
The daily management is done by R.P.M. Kruijff. None of the board members of Stichting Leeuw receives a salary or compensation for their work.
The board is advised by external specialists in the field of keeping and relocating large feline predators.
Stichting Leeuw aims to:
- Sustainably improve the welfare of big cats inside and outside the Netherlands.
- To work for the benefit of – or to support, or to implement projects of general social interest and, moreover, of idealistic and social scope.
- Furthermore, everything that is directly or indirectly related to this or can be conducive to it, all in the broadest sense.
The foundation aims to achieve its objective, among other things, by:
- Provide shelter and care to big cats in need, particularly, but not exclusively, to European-born animals that have been caged for generations.
- Rehabilitate predators to their original habitat.
- Enter into collaborations to achieve its goal.
- Bring about policy changes in governments.
- Provide preventive and educational information to the public.
Stichting Leeuw does not aim for profit and the Tax and Customs Administration has designated Stichting Leeuw as a Public Benefit Organisation (ANBI) as of 26 October 2011.
The foundation derives its income from:
- Donations, inheritances and bequests
- Grants and donations
- All other acquisitions and benefits
Chamber of Commerce: 53857836
RSIN: 851046411
The policy plan for 2023 – 2027 was written in August 2022
Annual reports
- 2012: Annual report
- 2013: Annual report and Financial report
- 2014: Annual report
- 2015: Annual report
- 2016: Annual report
- 2017: Annual report
- 2018: Annual report
- 2019: Annual report
- 2020: Annual report
- 2021: Annual report
- 2022: Annual report
ANBI status
As of 26 October 2011, the tax authorities have designated Stichting Leeuw as a Public Benefit Organisation (ANBI).