Behavioural research

Stichting Leeuw aims to give all feline predators that enter the shelter a pleasant life. What that means exactly is different for every animal. That is why the foundation spends a lot of time on behavioural research.
Learn from the animals
In the interest of the animals, Stichting Leeuw tries to imitate the natural environment of the big cats as much as possible, among other things with the hunting simulator and a natural fence. Through studies, the effect of this on the animals is examined. The results of these studies are used to improve the quality of life of the animals in shelter, if necessary. Research into the welfare of the big cats does not stop when they are relocated to their natural environment.

Natural fence
Many wild animals in zoos show nervous traits. They walk mindlessly along the fence, same round all day. As a result, they produce endorphins and get into a kind of daze. This often creates a vicious circle: animals long for this intoxication and therefore show more and more stereotypical behaviour.
This behaviour occurs, among other things, because they are watched all day long. That is why Stichting Leeuw has chosen to place a natural fence between the felines and the visitors. Visitors can see the animals through the peepholes, but the animals feel less spied on. Research shows that the lions and tigers do indeed show less stereotypical behaviour when they live behind a natural fence.

Did you know… that more than 20 lions and 3 tigers have already been relocated to South Africa from Stichting Leeuw?
Help to give even more big cats a life in nature and adopt an animal.