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Chimène Tigers

  • Born: May 2008
  • Origin: circus
  • Arrival at Stichting Leeuw: June 2023

Chimène is a 15-year-old tigress.

She arrived at Stichting Leeuw in June 2023 and came from a circus in France, where she was presumably used for breeding.

Chimène is a relatively small lady, and recognisable by her crooked lower jaw. One of her canine teeth always protrudes outwards. She is not bothered by this and can just eat everything that a tiger is supposed to eat. Chimène struggled during the first week, as she was very affected by the trip and her new surroundings. Only after a week did she come out of her shell and started to contact the caretakers and play with the offered enrichment.

We hope to offer Chimène a happy retirement, with space to discover and grass under her feet.

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