Relocation tigers Bombay, Drago & Iwan March 20th 2023

Relocation Bombay, Drago & Iwan
Since last year, The Lions Foundation also has a license to give tigers a beautiful home. Originally, tigers do not live in Africa, but the plans to bring tigers to Thailand have unfortunately not taken off. Of course, the tigers deserve a nice big enclosure and at The Lions Foundation there is room. By moving these animals, Stichting Leeuw frees up space to take care of other big cats in need. After all, there is a waiting list of animals that urgently need help.
The enclosures for Bombay, Drago and Iwan are almost finished and the relocation papers have all been requested. It will not be too long before these 3 tiger men move. We hope they can move in early April. At Stichting Leeuw they live next to each other and also in South Africa they become direct neighbours. The enclosures are specially made for tigers with more greenery, trees and a large pond.